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    ��˾��̬>> Garment knowledge
CVC fabric
˫���Զ����� �����ߣ�admin ����ʱ�䣺2012/5/11 �Ķ���310930�� �����壺�� �� С��

CVC fabric applied more widely, and more generally for the high-end fabrics. C refers to cotton, CVC refers to the cotton fabric element is greater than polyester composition, more than 60/ 40,65 /35,70 /30,80 /20 etc.. As a result of cotton fabrics and deformation characteristics is the CVC fabrics, CVC fabric largely solved cotton fabric crease easily prone to shrinkage problems.

  • ��һ�����ţ� No

  • ��һ�����ţ� Blue collar
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